APCG Online Colloquium: Fortune Agbele & Antonetta Hamandishe on March 25, 2025
We are pleased to announce the next APCG Online Colloquium, which will be held on Tuesday, March 25th at 11 am EST / 4 pm GMT. Dr. Fortuna Agbele and Antonetta Hamandishe will present their paper, “Gatekeepers on Women’s Political Participation in Liberia.” Dr. Aili Mari Tripp and Dr. Gretchen Bauer will discuss the paper. Please sign up for the colloquium via this link: https://forms.gle/X2qUvGJMF2RvVWAz5 . The paper and zoom link will be circulated ahead of the colloquium. Please email Alesha Porisky (aporisky@niu.edu) with any questions. We look forward to an exciting discussion!