Advancing Scholarship on African Politics

Join an active community of over 260 researchers and students devoted to studying, teaching, and understanding African politics.
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A Collective Pursuit of Knowledge and Impact in African Politics

Discover the APCG


Illuminating African Politics

The APCG is dedicated to expanding the understanding of African politics. As an arm of the American Political Science Association, the African Studies Association and the International Studies Association, we foster diverse perspectives and methods among scholars and students.

Amplifying Voices

The APCG strives to highlight the contributions of African academics, emerging scholars, and those working with innovative methods of research. A true understanding of African politics can only emerge when scholars across these political landscapes have their voices heard.

Fostering Collaboration

The APCG works to create opportunities for collaboration, engagement, and professional development among scholars based in African institutions and outside the continent, through conferences, workshops, and professional networks.

Impacting Public Discourse

The APCG is dedicated to enhancing public discourse around African politics. We aim to inform and influence policy actors, media, and the general public about the significant contributions our members make to the field.
Our Members
With a community of over 260 scholars and students actively engaged in research and discussion of African politics, we're all about innovation and collaboration.
Thalia Gerzso
University of York
Assistant Professor
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Thalia Gerzso
University of York
Assistant Professor