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The article provides experimental evidence of the effect of candidate-citizen town-hall meetings on voters’ political behavior. The intervention took place prior to the March 2011 elections in Benin and involved 150 randomly selected villages. In the treatment group, candidates held town-hall meetings where voters deliberated over their electoral platforms. The control group was exposed to the standard campaign—that is, one-way communication of the candidate’s platform by himself or his local broker. We find that town-hall meetings led to a more informed citizenry and higher electoral participation, which diverged little along socioeconomic lines. We also observe a lower effectiveness of vote-buying attempts where town halls took place. This is consistent with town-hall deliberation promoting what we call more “ethical” voters.
What effect did infrastructure expansion have on state coercive capacity? A growing body of literature ties infrastructure—particularly for communication and transportation—to increased state capacity and control. Yet, the same infrastructure that extends the reach of the state simultaneously alters local contexts in ways that may unravel social control and enable resistance to state-led coercion. Drawing on novel time series cross-sectional data on draft evasion in French West Africa—a measure of resistance to coercive policies—this article demonstrates that railway expansion did not neatly increase the colonial regime’s ability to monitor the population and effectively extract conscripts. Railway infrastructure disrupted many of the economic and social conditions that enabled coercion, including legibility and local compliance. Railways drove displacement and urbanization, altered opportunity costs and incentivized everyday resistance, and opened possibilities for exit. By heightening mobility and undermining conditions of social control, railroads were associated with higher draft evasion.
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